sábado, agosto 15, 2015

15/08: Dia Mundial do Animal Abandonado

15 de Agosto de 2015

Uma troca de ideias entre eu e a minha fêmea de 4 patas.

Eu: Gostaria que pudéssemos estar em hotéis, nas praias, restaurantes e padarias, atravessar o Sado no ferry fora do formo da mala. Gostaria de que pudéssemos ir às compras em conjunto ou que fosse possível dispensar a trela a tempo inteiro. Gostaria que pudéssemos apanhar um táxi. Seria tão bom. Que me dizes!?

Gea: Gostarias tu. Quanto a mim, praia, pode ser a beira-mar ao final do dia, para dar uns pinotes; Quanto a restaurantes, os "pratinhos" de inox da ração (ou extras) e da água são melhores que qualquer gourmet do mundo, não podem é estar vazios. Hóteis, tenho a minha cama e a tua, quando me escapo, mas qualquer pano no chão ao lado das tuas pernas é um Hilton. Supermercados, dispenso, muita gente, fico-me por enfiar o focinho dentro dos sacos quando os colocas na mala da velha VW comigo lá dentro, se bem que isso me renda umas bolacha(das) de vez em quando - vale o risco. Quando a deslocar-me, tenho os melhores táxis do mundo, as nossas 6 perninhas e os carros que conduzes.

Agora vou dizer o que gosto, gosto que me protejas, que não me deixes faltar nada, que me leves a passear ao final do dia, catar caranguejos na maré baixa. Que nunca me esqueças, acima de tudo que nunca me deixes de fora da tua vida, que é o que fazes e bem. Estando tu, nada faz falta e gostava que todos nós pudéssemos sentir o mesmo.

Eu: Toma lá, embrulha e vai-te sentar.

quarta-feira, fevereiro 04, 2015

Um Favor

O ministro das Finanças da Gracolândia, Janos Virafakis ligou-me ontem e pediu-me que dedicasse este som à chancelaça Merkievel da Germolândia, pois cortaram-lhe o acesso à banda larga.

Pedido satisfeito

sexta-feira, janeiro 09, 2015

If you do not believe, you do not understand. Can i Have a tea, please?

Cultural and Religious disputes should never offend the law and human rights. They are free of testing the limits of the law, they are free (AND SHOULD BE) to force the law to progress and adapt, but they should never offend the general principle, the law and human rights and most of all the citizen, the individual.

The grand virtue of a statement, being him whatever kind, is the possibility of being criticized and scorned. The power of an argument, the strength of a theory is tested in the field, in "the field of battle" otherwise is pure dictatorship and imposition. There is no room for that, we do not want that. Everything that is oppressing and constraints thought and freedom of speech, must be cast aside. If one cannot live among the others, if one cannot expose and dispute is convictions and TOLERATE other views, then he should move to another location. 

But in that location, people must stay in they´re one free will, choosing their fate, because choosing one´s fate it is also a human right. If it is to exist an extremist state, from my point of view, with the "charia", let it be. But people must choose to live in it, not be forced to live in it. 

All along history we have add major changes that started with massification of ideals. From Greek democracy and the concept of "free man", from the concept of Roman, to the concept of citoyen, from Russian to Soviet and from Soviet to Russian, the world as turned and turned and will keep on turning with the difference that we have been moving from open and declared wars and violence to a more localized disputes. Even with all the diplomacy mistakes after WWII, the progress is noticed. 

In this way Perhaps one day the majority of the world will be Budhist or Jew or Muslim, or nothing, but today we say out and loud, WE DO NOT WANT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! France does not want this, the LARGE majority of the world does not want this, Muslims do not want this. 

So i get back to the title, if you do not believe you do not understand, but the big difference is that instead of killing, or causing injuries in some other way, we just dispute, argue, cross examine, test the logical value of the arguments, right a comment, laugh, scorn, and at last, at the end of day we are FREE to say: Way don´t you go and fuck yourself? Let us all have a beer...Upss, you cannot drink! Can i have a tea please?